
Disk Usage & Storage Analyzer APK

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Disk Usage & Storage Analyzer APK is a free app for Android developed by Anton Patapovich. This app is designed to help you check the storage space on your phone in a simple and clear graphical form.

With Disk Usage & Storage Analyzer, you can easily access and view information on your device's storage, including sdcard, usb devices, external and internal storage. The app provides a comprehensive list of files, along with file-specific data such as name, path, size, and last modified date. It also offers a file preview feature.

In addition to device storage, the app allows you to access and analyze cloud drives. By opening the appropriate interface, you can read a list of files and file-specific data to build cloud drive statistics. The app presents this information in the form of a report and file usage diagram, such as a pie chart or sunburst chart.

Whether you want to monitor your device's storage space or analyze your cloud drives, Disk Usage & Storage Analyzer APK is a handy tool that provides you with all the necessary information in a user-friendly manner.

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